Hyper-Imperialism A New Stage of Historical Evolution of Imperialism
Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism, has fully inherited an eight centuries-long European racialized project, which accelerated during the 15th century with the advent of colonialism and slavery. Since the rise of modern imperialism, imperialism has undergone quantitative and qualitative changes. From 2008 to present, Hyper-Imperialism, a dangerous decadent new stage of imperialism is occurring in a time of history not seen in one hundred years. Forty-nine nations are highly integrated into a US-Led Military Bloc, as the US has now completed its economic, political, and military subordination of all the other imperialist countries. Facing decades of internal stagnation and relative economic decline, including the loss of industrial hegemony, this group has become more likely to use its military superiority and hegemonic advantages to attempt to contain and defeat Russia and China, thus realizing their long-held goal of achieving full control over Eurasia. They face the probability that within a lifetime, a powerful non-white socialist project could surpass the US economically. Despite the ideological incoherence of the Global South, the incomplete national liberation struggle for genuine independence for most of the Global South countries and their self-interests are creating greater fissures with imperialism. After hundreds of years of humiliation, racial violence, and economic exploitation by the Global North, we have arrived at this stage of Hyper-Imperialism.
Hyper-Imperialism, Hegemony, Strategy, History
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