
The Board of SEPLA, Spain


After the Second World War and between 1945 and 1975, capitalism had managed to overcome all the pitfalls, and he was able to multiply loaves and fish by magic art. It was referred to as the Thirty Glory Years, in which, together with the objective of profit, the workers and popular struggle started improvements in income and working and living conditions of the population worker. That class struggle throughout the world and the bipolarity built between 1945 and 1991 established limits to the impunity of capital projects. In that frame, the reality and the law of value enunciated by Marx revealed the dynamic recurring of the crisis of capital, with a downward trend in profit rate in the 60s/70s in the 20th century and an accelerated capitalist offensive response with the fall of “real socialism” in Eastern Europe and the advanced liberalizing until the crisis of 2007/09 that lasts in our time.


Capitalism Studies

How to Cite

SEPLA MANIFESTO: Characterization of Capitalism and Regional Situation. (2024). World Marxist Review , 3(3), 99-108. https://doi.org/10.62834/brr4x603